Thursday, May 30, 2013

UPDATE: Whedon Says He Isn't Backing Down to Sony

As many of you know, X-Men DOFP just added Quicksilver onto their roster. This character is highly fought over, as he is owned by both Marvel/Disney and Fox/Sony. Whedon announced 2 weeks ago officially that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver would join the Avengers in the next movie. A few days ago, Bryan Singer, director of DOFP, tweeted "Before he was an Avenger, he was just a guy who could run REALLY fast" followed by an announcement about American Horror Story's Evan Peters joining the cast as Quicksilver. A few hours later, the tweet was edited, and the mention of the Avengers was gone. It was disputed for a few days whether Whedon would rewrite his draft of Avengers 2, but he officially announced yesterday that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch will stay in the movie no matter where else they are used first. Whether he will cast Evan Peters as Quicksilver for A2 is still up in the air.

Side note, in A2, because of stupid, stupid copyright laws, there can be no mention of the word "mutants." In addition, no one can mention that the siblings are Magneto's children. Which is dumb... that's like their whole thing.

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